DIY Springtime Planters from Recycled Boxes

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DIY Springtime Planters from Recycled Boxes

I am pretty excited to share these DIY springtime planters from recycled boxes for a couple of reasons.   First of all, they came out so perfect.  Second, I love making use of things that might otherwise end up in the landfill.  Whether you have wine crates as boxes or grocery item boxes around, you can make a springtime planter that is pretty and inspiring.  I made one from a wine crate and planted tulips in it for my front porch.  I made another from a tea box to see how that works before doing it with my Girl Scout troop.

Recycled Wine Crate Garden Planters #DIY #planter #recycled #winecrate #box

To get the project going, you will need the following supplies and materials.

The first step is to paint the four sides of your box, the rim and about two inches down into the box.  I mixed Festive Green with White to paint this one.  Let it dry completely.

Add a black box to the front with chalkboard paint.  For tips on using chalkboard paint, you can check out what they have to say straight from DecoArt on their website.

Let it dry then add your message using either white chalk or a white chalk marker.  Fill your box with soil.

Plant your flowers and Ta-Da!.

It works just as great on a cardboard tea box.  You could use tin cans or glass jars from the recycle bin too.

DIY Recycled Tea Box Garden Planters #recycled planter #garden #kidcraft

Ten Reasons to Craft

I am going to say this again.  Crafting is just a great idea.  It is proven that crafting can be really good for mental and emotional health.  Studies show that making and crafting can lower anxiety.  Another benefit to crafting is that it creates connection.  When we make things and give them to others, we spread kindness and love.  Here are my top ten reasons to craft with kids, and I mean kids of all ages.

  1. Mental Health Benefits – Crafting puts me in a good mood.
  2. Self Expression – Crafting allows me to express myself.
  3. Education and Growth – I learn new skills by making things.
  4. Connection – Crafting connects me others through workshops, classes and gifting.
  5. Decor – Through making and crafting, I can totally customize every aspect of my decor.
  6. Gift Giving – Gifts is totally my love language.  I love to make handmade gifts.
  7. Offline Time – Crafting keeps me off of my phone and social media. We all know this can be beneficial.
  8. Income – Because I craft and sell items that I make, I have an additional income source.
  9. Fun – I like to have fun and to me, making things is fun.
  10. Socializing – Attending events where crafting is a part gets me out and around others with like minds.

If you are doing this activity at a Girl Scout meeting or event, you might like this recycling word search puzzle for the early finishers to do.

Happy Spring and Happy Planting,


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24 thoughts on “DIY Springtime Planters from Recycled Boxes”

  1. I love doing quilling, rubberstamping, scrapbooking which I have done for yrs but just now have started again since being blind so its a new adventure for me 🙂 but I love doing them still 🙂

  2. You can get them at any wine or liquor store. They throw them away. Sometimes they will get you to pay a few bucks for them. I use them for organizing at home too. 🙂

  3. What a great idea!! I will have to look for some boxes. Id like to do some planters for my Grandma. Your so sweet having a giveaway. Thanks for the chance.

  4. My daughters love painting and drawing so we have been doing lots of canvas painting lately. Thanks for the chance to win

  5. This week I shared a post about how crafting has lead to great friendships and your post lists even more wonderful benefits of crafting. Thanks for sharing your project and it will be one of the featured posts this week. #HomeMattersParty

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